Are spider veins something more than an aesthetic issue to take care of?

Learn about the symptoms to take acction on time!
Spider veins and varicose veins aren’t merely cosmetic issues — they’re often symptomatic of underlying vein disease. If you have unhealthy veins, you may also experience leg heaviness, leg pain, leg cramps, skin discoloration, and other problems.

Spider veins are often symptomatic of chronic venous insufficiency, a dangerous medical condition that leads to leg pain, restless leg syndrome, leg cramps, and other problems.
Pursuing a purely cosmetic treatment is like painting over a stained wall without fixing the leaky pipes. Until the underlying cause is addressed, your spider veins will keep returning.
If left untreated, chronic venous insufficiency can eventually lead to numerous long-term complications and health problems, such as leg ulcers and deep vein thrombosis.
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